Design critiques, reminiscent of the competitive atmosphere in design school, might initially evoke negative reactions in the world of UX. However, by reimagining critiques as constructive feedback sessions, we can unlock numerous benefits for designers’ growth and foster a collaborative environment. In this blog post, we will explore how design feedback sessions promote effective communication, skill development, and contribute to the overall success of UX design teams.

Developing Communication Skills

 Presenting design decisions effectively is a critical skill for designers. In design sessions, designers have the opportunity to practice and refine their ability to communicate their design choices. By explaining their rationale, designers not only clarify their own thinking but also enable others to understand and engage with their designs more effectively. 

Creating a Collaborative Culture

In our organization, UX designers actively participate in design feedback sessions at least three times a week. Collaboration is the core of our work, and by presenting designs to the team, we aim to build the best possible user experience. Rather than emphasizing competition, we have established a supportive and friendly environment where constructive feedback takes precedence, leaving egos at the door.

Amplifying Strengths and Addressing Weaknesses

Every designer possesses unique strengths and weaknesses. Through collective feedback, we leverage the insights and expertise of each team member. By sharing design decisions and seeking input from others, we enhance the quality of our designs. Additionally, designers aspiring to take on leadership roles can practice providing targeted feedback and support to team members based on their own strengths.

Normalizing Seeking Help

We have cultivated a culture where asking for help is encouraged and normalized. Designers and researchers can present their work in any phase, whether it’s early sketches, research plans, or concerns about accessibility. This open approach fosters a sense of approachability and helps new team members feel comfortable seeking guidance from their peers, even during their initial weeks.

Efficiency through Sharing

By frequently sharing our work, we minimize duplicate efforts and optimize design efficiency. With multiple software products to manage, avoiding redundancy becomes crucial. Through design feedback sessions, we ensure that our designs align with the overarching goals and principles, leading to a more consistent user experience across all products.

Validating Design System Contributions

Design feedback sessions serve as a valuable platform to vet contributions to the design system. By presenting proposed additions or modifications, designers can gather feedback and insights from the team, ensuring that all contributions align with the design system’s standards and objectives. This collaborative approach strengthens the integrity and effectiveness of our design system.


Embracing design feedback sessions allows UX designers to grow, learn from one another, and create exceptional user experiences. By fostering a culture of collaboration, constructive feedback, and approachability, we enhance our collective skills and drive the success of our organization’s UX initiatives. Embrace the power of feedback to grow your teams skills and continue to build outstanding digital experiences together.